just an ordinary girl

Reach me

“I feel a new b…

“I feel a new beginning coming towards me, and I am running to it with open arms.”

Today is a new beginning. I can feel the need for change in my life. I feel it coming, and this time, I am running towards it with open arms. I want this change. I want something out of the ordinary, something completely unexpected and different to happen to me. I want an adventure, and what better place to keep my new tales and adventures than my own blog? I dont care if anyone reads it. This is for me…me to keep my busy thoughts, stories..ideas. And if I get people who enjoy them, great! I will welcome you with open arms, but for now, this is all about…finding my adventures. So join me. Join me on this new adventure I am going on. Because, I will welcome you with open arms, this is something for both of us to share. Lets make it special!


❤ Morgan