just an ordinary girl

Reach me

i will rise p2

I’m sorry.

I called you cancerous.

Its been a couple years since we last talked, even though I’m still in your orbit. You talk to my sister earth, I talk to everyone else, but we don’t talk to each other.

It’s because I blamed it on you.

Some days i still blame you.

Some days it hurts me so bad i cannot breathe. You burned away my oxygen, and you burned away me.

Those are the days when the skies are grey. When its winter and theres snow outside and people are too tired, too sad to leave their homes.

you bring people happiness.

you brought me happiness.

Then like the childs nursery song you were taken away, and i didn’t know how to continue on.

I had seasonal depression disorder worse than ever before.

My sunshine was gone.

I got angry. The tides rose, and I turned red.

Red with anger.

Red with despair.

I was a blood moon and the only thing that could ever stop me was you.

But eventually, the anger faded.

The hurt faded. The angry poems stopped.

And I remembered how much I loved my sunshine.

Im sorry, for calling you cancer.

For those times I wasn’t enough.

Im sorry.

I guess I just wanted to let you know that I rose.

I freaking rose.

The split that shook the universe didn’t shake me.

I miss you, but i don’t need you any more.

I took my pain and hurt and made a ladder to climb out of the hole i put myself in.

I don’t hate you.

I don’t blame you.

And I don’t need you.

I shine on my own.

Im the freaking moon

and I grew because of you.

not my picture

i thought her story wasn’t done.